Refuse To Be A Victim

Countless numbers of innocent people fall victim to criminal violence each year… are you a likely target? Learn from this discussion course how to protect yourself from car-jackers, purse-snatchers, home invaders and other professional aggressors. This nationally recognized program has received commendations from Congress and law enforcement agencies nationwide. Topics will include the psychology of a criminal predator, mental preparedness, being safe in your home, shopping at the mall, driving defensively, identity theft, and mail and technology security.

Protect Your Safety, Identity and Home During the Holidays

The holidays are an important time to build memories with the people you love. Don’t let criminals take that joy away from you and your family. This easy to understand presentation will show you where you are at greatest risk based on real crime statistics, and teach you proven, simple steps to help protect your safety, your home and your identify during the holidays.